Went through a deep period of isolation and searching which ultimately helped him better understand himself and help his theory develop Taught medical psychology at the University of Basal Died on June 6, 1961 Levels of the Psyche Like Freud, Jung believed that the mind had both conscious and ...
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist who helped develop personality theory, archetypes, and analytical psychology. He was born on July 26, 1875, and died on June 6, 1961. During his lifetime, Jung helped expand psychology, a relatively new field at the beginning of the 1900s; the origin of...
history of analytical psychologytheory of relativityDespite Carl Gustav Jung''s acknowledgment of Albert Einstein''s influence on his thinking, and despite the significant number of studies about Jung''s interest in physics—and his collaboration with the theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli—so far ...
used to arrive at his conclusions: dream analysis, word association and 'active imagination.' Immediately accessible to the general reader, the Tavistock lectures are a superb introduction to anyone coming to Jung's psychology for the first time and crucial for understanding analytical psychology. ...
Carl Jung--his story, his thought, and his impact on contemporary psychology--at Mythos & Logos. With links galore!
荣格(Carl Jung)是一位观察敏锐、涉猎广泛的西方著名心理学家,从中国的道家、《易经》、藏传佛教,到印度的瑜伽、日本的禅学,几乎无所不包。荣格阅读过大量有关中国宗教哲学文化的书籍。荣格在其自传《回忆·梦·思考》结束时,写了这么一段话:“当老子说,‘众人皆明,唯吾独懵’的时候,他所表达的就是我此时所...
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of a neopsychoanalytic school of psychology, which he namedAnalytical Psychology. His most notable contributions include his concept of the psychologicalarchetype, his theory ofsynchronicityand thecollective unconscious- also known as "a reservoir of the ex...
Carl Jung (26 July 1875 to 6 June 1961) founded the field of analytical psychology. He is famous for his work on the collective unconsciousness, the idea that we are all introverts or extroverts, and the theory of personality types defining humanity. ...
personality theorypsychoanalysissymbolismunconsciousCarl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and the founder of analytical psychology. Born and raised in Switzerland in an unhappy family, he learned early to depend upon his own inner resources for guidance and encouragement. He graduated in ...
【中商原版】荣格 分析心理学的理论与实践(第二版) 英文原版 Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice Carl Gustav 作者:Carl Gustav Jung出版社:Routledge出版时间:2014年04月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥227.00 配送至 广东佛山市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中华商务进口图书旗舰店”发货,并...