荣格八维人格测试-八种功能解读(Jungian psychology)荣格的心理类型理论将人格分如下八种心理功能,每种功能可以进一步区分为外向型(E)和内向型(I)。八种功能解读「Carl Gustav Jung」瑞士心理学家,精神分析心理学的代表人物,建立了分析心理学派。荣格的人格理论(Jung's personality theory)由四个部分组成,分别是人格...
篇名 容格(Carl Gustav Jung, 1857-1961)之人格心理學說要點 作者 賈馥茗 中文摘要 容格〈Carl Gustav Jung, 1857-1961〉是瑞士人,出身於篤信宗教的家庭〈父親本身及母親的先代都是傳教士〉。幼年即對生物、動物、以及古生物的學習極有興趣,奠定了後來習醫的基礎;又在學習中受到希臘和法國哲學家思想的影響,加...
Carl Jung is widely regarded both within and outside of the psychological community as the preeminent and pioneer psychologist in the psychology of religion, as a psychologist who examines spiritual and religious contents of the psyche. He has asserted his theory of individuation as the psychological...
Carl Jung--his story, his thought, and his impact on contemporary psychology--at Mythos & Logos. With links galore!
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of a neopsychoanalytic school of psychology, which he namedAnalytical Psychology. His most notable contributions include his concept of the psychologicalarchetype, his theory ofsynchronicityand thecollective unconscious- also known as "a reservoir of the ex...
荣格(Carl Gustav Jung,1875-1961),瑞士心理学家和精神分析医师,分析心理学的创立者。早年曾和弗洛伊德合作,后来,上于观点的不同,两人的关系终于宣告破裂。荣格和弗洛伊德的观点主要有三点分歧。首先是对里比多概念的解释,弗洛伊德认为里比多是性能量,早年里比多冲动受到伤害会引起终生的后果。荣格认为里比是一种广泛的生...
【中商原版】荣格 分析心理学的理论与实践(第二版) 英文原版 Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice Carl Gustav 作者:Carl Gustav Jung出版社:Routledge出版时间:2014年04月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥227.00 配送至 广东佛山市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中华商务进口图书旗舰店”发货,并...
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) is the founder of analytical psychology. Born in Switzerland and educated at the University of Basil, the psychoanalyst Jung has been immensely influential in the fields psychology, psychiatry and anthropology.
Carl Jung The theory of psychological type comes from Swiss psychiatrist Carl G. Jung (1875-1961) who wrote that what appears to be random behavior is actually the result of differences in the way people prefer to use their mental capacities. ...
Jung [yoong] Carl Gustav (1875–1961). Swiss-born psychologist and psychiatrist; the founder of analytic psychology. He received his medical degree from the University of Basel and continued his education at the University of Zurich, where he worked as research assistant and lecturer and later ...