图书争论OnWar 导读注释世界学术经典克劳塞维茨Carl Clausewitz 上海译文有限公司自由组合套装 112.1元价格:112.1元淘金币可抵3%正版图书战争论OnWar(导读注释版)(世界学术经典系列)(德)克劳塞维茨(Carl von Clausewitz)著上海译文出版社有限公司112.1 元 去天猫购买声明...
Reference(参考书) > 华研外语 > 战争论 英文原版 On War 牛津世界经典系列 克劳塞维茨 Carl von Clausewitz 英文版 节选版 华研进口原版专营店 战争论 英文原版 On War 牛津世界经典系列 克劳塞维茨... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- ...
书名:On War战争论作者:Carl von Clausewitz克劳塞维茨出版社名称:Oxford University Press出版时间:2008 语种:英语ISBN:9780199540020商品尺寸:19.3 x 2.29 x 12.7 cm 包装:平装页数:336(以实物为准) On War is one of the most important books ever written on the subject of war. Clausewitz, a Prussian of...
Carl von Clausewitz (1780 - 1831) was a Prussian professional soldier, who achieved fame as a military theorist, and his classic work, 'On War', has become one of the most inflential books on the philosophy of warfare. Carl von Clausewitz was born on 1st June, 1780 in Burg bei Magdebur...
Google Share on Facebook Clau·se·witz (klou′zə-vĭts),Carl von1780-1831. Prussian army officer and military theorist whose posthumously publishedOn War(1832) pragmatically interprets war as an instrument of policy. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Cop...
Clausewitz's concept of war at the beginning of chapter one of On War is based on a hierarchical understanding, whereas his concept of the trinity at the end of the same chapter is more like a floating balance between three different tendencies. The common understanding of Clausewitz's concept...
[战争论(中文版-英文版-法文版-德文版)].Carl.von.Clausewitz.-.On.War 星级: 154 页 再别康桥中文版英文版法文版 星级: 3页 [战争论(中文版-英文版-法文版-德文版)].Carl.von.Clausewitz.-.Vom.Kriege 星级: 545 页 [战争论(中文版-英文版-法文版-德文版)].Carl.von.Clausewitz.-.Vom.Kriege...
Info:"Clausewitz and His Works."A comprehensive discussion. Article:Paul Donker, "The Evolution of Clausewitz'sVom Kriege: a reconstruction on the basis of the earlier versions of his masterpiece." Paper:Christopher Bassford, "Clausewitz's Categories of War and the Supersession of 'Absolute War...
Carl von Clausewitz, (born June 1, 1780, Burg, near Magdeburg, Prussia—died Nov. 16, 1831, Breslau, Silesia), Prussian general and author. Born to a poor middle-class professional family, he joined the Prussian army at age 12 and entered the War College in Berlin in 1801. After servin...