Pruning helps to promote healthy growth and can also help to keep the tree from becoming too large and unruly. Frequently asked questions How often should I water a newly planted crepe myrtle? How much water does a new crepe myrtle need? What's a good routine for watering a transplanted...
Planting depth is critical; if a peony is planted too deeply, it won’t bloom. When planting a container-grown peony, cover it no deeper than it grew in the pot. Try not to disturb the rootball or damage the feeder roots. A newly planted peony can take up to 3 years to reach its...
Planting a cherry tree is an important step because, if properly performed, it favors the expected growth of the tree, fruit formation on the cherry tree and thus the harvest of cherries. The better it is planted, the earlier it will produce luscious cherries. It is highly recommended to pl...
It is one of those shrubs thatgrow very fastand can reach over 16 feet (5 m) tall when mature. If you fear it might grow too large, choose dwarf varieties, there are also a great number of those. To grow cherry laurel in pots, you must select one of these dwarf varieties, for in...
If you must move a mature plant, fall is the time to do it—specifically, when the plant has gone dormant. Peonies should be settled into place about six weeks before the ground freezes. Although it’s certainly possible to plant peonies in the spring, spring-planted peonies don’t do as...
bamboo should be planted outdoors early enough to allow it time to establish itself and harden off sufficiently for surviving its first winter. If the bamboo is planted late in the year or in a cold climate, one should mulch the plant heavily and provide extra protection from any cold and ...
Select seeds from a healthy tree. Select seeds that are plump and look healthy. Before you plant your seeds Soak plumeria seeds to test the viability and soften the shell to give them a kick start. When:Plumeria seeds germinate best in the spring, but can be germinated any time if provide...
Ann Flinders had died the year before. That same year, at the age of 40, her daughter Anne married an engineer,William Petrie. Like her mother, she had one child, a son, born at an age – 41 – when childbirth was very dangerous for older women. She named him William after his fat...
Avoid pruning in fall, because you would be pruning off the magnificent berries that form and stay on the tree over winter. Follow our advice on pruning a strawberry tree For strawberry trees planted in a hedge, follow this advice on pruning hedges. Watering your strawberry tree Strawberry tree...
How to Care for Daylilies Daylilies require little to no care and can even survive with neglect, but if you want these flowers to thrive and perform at their best, here’s how to give them a little TLC. Water newly planted daylilies once a week until established. Daylilies are fairly...