Find out the best way to care for your fig tree through the winter and all season long. To grow the most fruit, you should prune suckers (or propagate them) and use netting to keep away birds. Plant self-pollinating figs in sunny spots or in containers.
If you’re bringing in the plant for winter, water much less, but do not let the roots dry out entirely. Geraniums do best when given a period of dormancy through the winter months, during which they use less water and do not grow much. See below for more overwintering instructions. Ge...
it will come back every year. Early spring is the best time to order and plant mums to give them time to grow strong roots, become well-established before winter, and grow into a more robust, full plant.
Here at my Bedford, New York farm, my gardeners and outdoor grounds crew continue the annual chore of moving the warm-weather plants indoors for the winter. I love ferns and grow many varieties around the farm and in my greenhouse. It's amazing that there are more than 10-thousand differ...
Peonies bloom between late spring and early summer, but you can plan your garden for a successive display of flowers from mid-May to late June by planting various varieties. Here are some choices: Anemone(an advanced Japanese form)—‘Laura Dessert’: cream/pale lemon to white; strong fragran...
Daylilies can make nice cut flowers, especially the heirloom types. Individual flowers last just one day, but buds will continue to develop and open for up to a week indoors. The trick is to cut daylilies with buds that are just about to open, with a bit of the flower color showing....
Verbena is a long-blooming flower that can be grown as an annual or a perennial and is beloved by pollinators. Learn how to plant, grow, and care for verbena in your garden! About Verbena Verbena, also known asvervain, is a long-blooming, heat-tolerant perennial or annual flower. Verben...
Plants should be set 18 inches apart. Remove weeds and loosen the soil. Make a hole a few inches wider than the plant and set it in the hole; backfill it with soil, tamp gently, and water it well. If planting from seed indoors, sprinkle seeds on top of the regular seed starting mi...