STT CARGO:305-887-9555( Vernon Araujo) /340-776-8660 VICARGO:305-863-0081/340-778-6331. TROPICAL SHIPPING:561-881-3900/(800) 638-8767. CARIBTRANS:(305) 696-1200. (STT Agent:340-513-0922) CROWLEY SHIPPING:305-463-4817/1-800-276-9539. FEDERAL EXPRESS – STT:1-800-463-3339 UPS ...
Gutters blown off by Irma and Maria (now we combine the storm names intoIrmaria), put us in jeopardy of not collecting thousands of gallons of rainwater . We hear that we had 51" of rain between Sept 6 and October 20. Imagine how much rain was not collected by those with heavily dama...