NH ANA All Nippon Airways 全日空航空 http://www.anacargo.jp/en/int/ 3 933 KZ Nippon Cargo Airlines 日本货物航空 https://www.nca.aero/icoportal/jsp/operations/shipment/AWBTracking.jsf 4 131 JL Japan Airlines 日本航空 https://www.jal.co.jp/en/jalcargo/inter/awb/ ...
JAL Cargo提供了便捷的在线货物追踪服务,客户可以通过其官方网站https://www.jal.co.jp/en/jalcargo/输入空运提单号,实时查询货物的运输状态。这一服务大大提高了货物运输的透明度和客户满意度。 机队与运营 JAL Cargo拥有多样化的机队,包括改装后的波音767-346(ER)(BCF)等货机,这些飞机能够承载大量货物,确保运输...
131日本航空公司Japan Airlines Company Ltd.JLJALJP 139墨西哥航空公司Aeromexico CargoAMAMXMX 141迪拜航空公司FlydubaiFZRSN 145智利航空LATAM Cargo ChileUCLCOCL 173夏威夷航空Hawaiian AirlinesHAHALUS 180大韩航空公司Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd.KEKALKR
131日本航空公司Japan Airlines Company Ltd.JLJALJP 139墨西哥航空公司Aeromexico CargoAMAMXMX 141迪拜航空公司FlydubaiFZRSN 145智利航空LATAM Cargo ChileUCLCOCL 173夏威夷航空Hawaiian AirlinesHAHALUS 180大韩航空公司Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd.KEKALKR
In the fiscal year 2022, the domestic cargo revenue of Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (JAL) amounted to approximately 20 billion Japanese yen, decreasing from about 20.75 billion yen in the preceding fiscal year. 1951-established Japan Airlines Co, Ltd. was the nation's sole scheduled international...
crosswing.co.jp 世界の飛行機航空機旅客機モデル,模型,航空製品取扱い専門店 クロスウイング LINKページ http://www.crosswing.co.jp/link.htm スカイマーク 株式会社 SKYMARK AIRLINES. Peach Aviation 株式会社 peach. wrigleynwt.com 先日の.aeroというドメインに関して | メモ帳 ...
AlisCargo Airlines (Milan-Malpensa) is a new cargo airline based in Italy. The first freighter, the former Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-212 (F) N528BC (msn 30871), has been painted in Shannon pending delivery from the Boeing Capital Corporation. ...
TWO OPTIONS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSIDERATION | Work in progress on a long-term strategy for Icelandair Group’s fleet | The work done in close co-operation with the manufacturers Boeing and Airbus | Other aircraft manufacturer are also being monitored ...
Tampa Cargo: This entry was posted inTAMPA Cargoand tagged1368,A330,A330200,A330200F,A330243F,Airbus,Airbus A330,Airbus A330200,Airbus A330200F,aviation,cargo airline,FWWKQ,N330QT,new photos,TAMPA Cargo,TLS,Toulouse,transportationon