The CARES Act allocates a massive amount of funding to combat COVID-19 and to support the nation’s health care system during the public health emergency. Of the billions allocated, the act provides $150 billion to states and $117 billion to hospitals during the health crisis. The act incr...
“The Secretary has now taken more than twice as much time as Congress directed to distribute all CARES Act funds,” the judge continues. “Congress instructed the Secretary to make payments within 30 days; as of today, the Secretary is at 80 days and counting. Second, the Secretary has di...
American Airlines has said it will adjust its October schedule to remove service to 15 markets across the United States. The carrier blamed the decision on low demand and the expiration of the air service requirements associated with the coronavirus aid, relief and economic security (CARES...
Meet Rael San Fratello—a married duo of architects, Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello, based in Oakland, CA. On July 28, 2019, when families were being forcibly separated at the US-Mexico border, Rael San Fratello installed three neon pink teeter-totters into the wall between El Paso ...
It doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not, the universal truth is the universal truth, which is from dust we come and to dust we return; it’s not a new revelation that we’ve known where we came from and we know where we’re going to return, but it’s the NOW; it’s ...
All of the food that HPD prepared for this act of goodwill was a gift by Jim and Randy on behalf of Keller & Keller. Below are several pictures of the food that was provided and all the officer’s taking a moment from the insanity they deal with each day to share a good meal and...
If you happen to be planning a trip to China and are in the interest of giving back, bidding on this tour would be a mutually beneficial act.Quick Question * Your Trip Ideas: * Email Address: * Phone Number: Your Name: Send Inquiry We take your privacy very seriously....
"She’s a very good girl," Fancher said. "She keeps a lot of trouble away. She protects me. She’ll bite someone if they act aggressive or anything toward me. She has before. But she just discourages them from even trying."
“Turning to the second question, as noted, Section 4029(a) by its terms sets only the termination date for the Treasury Secretary’s authority to make ‘new’ investments of CARES Act funds in the SPVs. It does not appear to impose any limi...
“The money in question includes $429 billion that Mnuchin is clawing back from the Fed — which backed some of the central bank’s emergency lending facilities…” But as wedetailed last Friday, 75 percent of the $454 billion that the CARES Act earmarked for...