10th Oct 2023 Familiarization Tour for the Students of Ananda College Sri Lankan Cares organized a familiarization tour for the students of Ananda College Colombo, during which thirty-five members of the school's aeronautical academy had the opportunity to visit the 747 hangar. This unique experien...
Tao Group Hospitality Cares supports development for homeless youth through a partnership with the Covenant House in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, and through the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth in Las Vegas. In an act of solidarity and support for the Covenant House, every year Tao...
these staff members have worked tirelessly to: prepare and distribute laptops; manage a vast, complex and ever-changing inventory; put in work orders and/or fix broken equipment themselves; help teachers and students resolve internet connection issues; help teachers install new software ...
Village Heart Beat Centre Opening in Oddusuddan The eighth Village Heartbeat Empowerment Centre was opened in Oddusuddan in the Mullaitivu District, which is a joint project of SriLankan Airlines and Foundation of Goodness. SriLankan Cares collaborated with the Foundation of Goodness to construct ...