Any development of an ethical framework for evaluation of carebots must be informed by the attitudes of older people themselves, with allowances being made for big variations in technophobia between people who currently are 60 years old and people who are currently over 80 years of age. The impo...
000Carersliving therebutweareheretohelpanyonefromanywhere. WearepartofThePrincessRoyalTrustofCarers-anationalnetworkof over120independently-managedCarers‟CentresacrosstheUK.Each Centredeliversawiderangeoflocalsupportinmeetingtheneedsof Carersintheirowncommunities,whilstbenefitingfromthesupportofa nationalumbrella...
Seeking carers’ financial assistance via the Australian Government Social Services (Centrelink) was also challenging, as carers were not sure how to apply for this assistance: “… I didn’t know how to go about applying for a carer [allowance]; I still don’t.” (C12; Indigenous carer)....