This qualification could be the equivalent to GCSEs, or even a master’s degree, depending on the apprenticeship level you start at. As an apprentice, you're paid a salary and get a holiday allowance, just like an employee. You’ll spend most of your time at work, and 20% of your t...
care allowance recipientfamily personal assistantIn the issue we deal with the agenda on pro-employment perspective of the persons caring for dependent family members on informal basis. We specify the term informal carer (caregiver) taking into account terminology utilised in this area within...
Dr. James Chandler, from the Work Foundation, said: "The current carer's allowance is inadequate and means the financial barriers faced by carers are incredibly difficult to overcome. Not only do they face family and financial worries, their time away from work can have a real impact on thei...
social or single-function robots. It is true that humanoid, multi-function robots are more likely than non-humanoid, single-function robots and non-robotic technology tocombinea relatively wide range of capabilities within a single, unified
Surprisingly, working age carers aged 31-45 caring felt the most financially insecure. Given the extra costs of caring, and the impact caring has on people's ability to work, Carers UK is calling for an immediate increase in Carer's Allowance—the main benefit for carers looking after someone...
supportgroups advocacyworkonbehalfofCarers socialactivitiesandfun! AdditionallywewillalwaysstrivetomeettheneedsofCarersinotherways andthispackisdesignedtohighlightallofthesupportthatyouasaCarer orassomeoneworkingwithCarerscanusetoimproveyourandtheir qualityoflife.Wehopethatyoufindthisausefuladditiontoyourarmoury of...
Background: While malnutrition is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in older people, it is commonly under-recognised. We know little on the views of community-dwelling older people and their carers regarding the management of malnutrition. Th
Informal carers provide an important role in supporting people with cancer. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience higher cancer mortality than other Australians. To date, very little is known about the support needs of carers of Aborig