This qualification could be the equivalent to GCSEs, or even a master’s degree, depending on the apprenticeship level you start at. As an apprentice, you're paid a salary and get a holiday allowance, just like an employee. You’ll spend most of your time at work, and 20% of your t...
Overlapping function identified: Day-care and short-break respite; Carer's Allowance, monthly wage and Carer's support grant.Higher policy relevance: Day-care; Carer's AllowanceAttributes identified: Day-care, long-break respite, carer peer support group, social activities, and Carer's Allowance ...
supportgroups advocacyworkonbehalfofCarers socialactivitiesandfun! AdditionallywewillalwaysstrivetomeettheneedsofCarersinotherways andthispackisdesignedtohighlightallofthesupportthatyouasaCarer orassomeoneworkingwithCarerscanusetoimproveyourandtheir qualityoflife.Wehopethatyoufindthisausefuladditiontoyourarmoury of...