CarePac®可满足您测试砝码的所有需求:两个USP 41与GWP®推荐使用的与您天平量程的5%与100%匹配的实验室砝码。 立即了解详情!
CarePac® is all you need to test your balance: 2 lab weights matching 5% and 100% of your balance’s capacity, as USP 41 and GWP® recommend. Find out more now!
The process of creating custom packaging for products is a hassle-free manner using carepac. Custom packaging allows business to stand out and promote their brand while keeping their products safe during shipping and handling. The process involves designing and selecting packaging materials, customizing...
CarePac Pouch Bags & Pouches: the highest level of customization Totally Customized Pouches No fixed sizes, customize every detail of your pouch: size, material, features, print, and configurations. Enterprise level flexible packaging customization available to every company. ...
CarePac's digitally printed high fidelity prototypes are micro short production runs of as few as 100 bags (or 1 bag if you really just want 1 bag), and these digital prototypes can be printed onto any custom size bag you'd like, with almost any material we work with here at CarePac...
梅特勒CarePac®L(称量范围5kg-8kg)商品编号:梅特勒CarePac®L 货号:梅特勒CarePac®L 品牌:METTLER TOLEDO/梅特勒(梅特勒-托利多, METTLER-TOLEDO(纽约证券交易所代码:MTD):世界上首台替代法单盘天平的发明者、全球排名前十的的精密仪器制造商、世界上最大的实验室、工业和视频零售业用称重设备制造商。 同时,...
商品编号:梅特勒CarePac®M 货号:梅特勒CarePac®M 品牌:METTLER TOLEDO/梅特勒(梅特勒-托利多, METTLER-TOLEDO(纽约证券交易所代码:MTD):世界上首台替代法单盘天平的发明者、全球排名前十的的精密仪器制造商、世界上最大的实验室、工业和视频零售业用称重设备制造商。 同时,集团在几个运用称重相关技术的分析仪器...
CarePac Weight Sets用户手册说明书 Traceable Balance Testing for Secure Weighing Processes CarePac ® Weight Sets Ensure valid weighing results Efficient and cost-effective Guaranteed traceability C a r e P a c s ®
规格- Carepac ASTM 2G 1/100mg 1C 设计 调节腔 密度p 7950 (± 140) kg/m3 磁化率X ≤ 0.03 ASTM等级 1 校准证书 是 盒子 塑料盒(包括在内) 材料 316不锈钢 内容(设置) 2g/100mg 1 目标值 2g/100mg 梅特勒托利多 Carepac ASTM 2G 1/100mg 1C由梅特勒托利多 为您提供,如您想了解更多关于梅特勒...
CarePac®可满足您测试砝码的所有需求:两个USP 41与GWP®推荐使用的与您天平量程的5%与100%匹配的实验室砝码。 立即了解详情!