Carence en vita- mine B12, ataxie cerebelleuse et troubles cognitifs. Rev Neurol 2009;165:1095-8.Gochard A, Mondon K, De Toffol B, Autret A (2009) Carence en vitamine B12, ataxie cérébelleuse et troubles cognitifs. Rev Neurol (Paris) 165(12):1095–1098...
Chez le sujet âgé, la carence en B12 est fréquente et ses origines multiples, de par son métabolisme complexe : non-dissociation de la vitamine B12 de sa protéine porteuse (60 % des cas), classique maladie de Biermer (20 % des ...
Ainsi, au Sénégal, chez 1055 enfants recevant une supplémentation en vitamine A, en fer (fumarate ferreux : 3 mg/kg/j) et un traitement antiparasitaire, la prévalence de l’anémie après 2 mois a diminué de 67 à 40,5 %, ce qui reste encore élevé [51]. 8. Conclusion L’...
The newborn's vitamin B12 storage exclusively comes from placenta transfer, later from animal food.We relate 3 observations of infants (3-11-13 months) with failure to thrive, anorexia, vomiting and for the two olders refusal of weaning, associated with psychomotricity regression and hypotony. ...
Carence en vitamine B 12, maladie de Biermer, troubles neurologiquesNeurological disorders secondary to vitamin B12 deficiency are polymorphic and diverse. There have been very few studies conducted in the Moroccan as well as in the African population. This study aims...
P-395 – Une double cause de carence en vitamine B12: piège diagnostique chez une adolescenteTo assess the longitudinal growth pattern in a large French cohort of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), to determine to what extent puberty contributed to final height and to explore a potential ...
Metformin intake and vitamin B12 deficiencies: what impact for practitioner?Emmanuel Andrès
M.-E. CariouA.-L. JoncquezN. PradesF. SchmittElsevier SASImmuno-analyse & Biologie SpécialiséeCariou M E, Joncquez A L, Prades N, Schmitt F. Carence en vitamine B12 chez un nourrisson de cinq mois : a propos d'un cas. Immuno-anal Biol Spe. 2013; 28:133-136....
Carence en vitamine B12 et infertilitéPurpose: During bone-marrow biopsy, one third of patients score their pain as moderate or severe. Combination of analgesic and hypnotic is effective at reducing pain, but prolonged medical surveillance is necessary. The objective of the study was to assess ...
Carence en vitamine B12 probablement liée à une malabsorption des cobalamines alimentaires sous traitement par oméprazoleCubilin is a 460-kd multiligand hydrophobic protein that binds to intrinsic factor cobalamin (Cbl-IF) with a high affinity and that is expressed in both kidney and ileal ...