including being part of planning, procurement and delivery of high quality reactive and planned maintenance projects, as well as supporting with compliance tasks and admin support where needed.
Criminal Justice related majors are vocationally centered, unlike a business degree, for example. I keep hearing about people getting a criminal justice degree, but they don’t pursue or even remotely work in law enforcement or the criminal justice system, or have felony records, domestic abuse ...
Thanks for this article. About seven years ago I set up a picture framing business I run on my own and in some ways enjoy the autonomy you talk about, but when I work with artists I can’t help feel envious – they’re producing something original and rewarding and all I’m doing is...
you are completely right PT. Grad school is not for you, and should not be entered for the wrong reasons. It took me 6 years to get my BS because I didn’t know what I REALLY wanted to do and changed majors 3 times. Fortunately, I did end up finding something...
Berklee Music-Business-Majors Only Berklee Non-MB Majors Only BoCo Alumni Only Special Categories(second jobs, entrepreneurs, managers, information technology) Index by Location Everyone interviewed self-reported meeting the following criteria: Received their first Bachelors Degree from Berklee College of ...