职业生涯规划~英文版career_planning Career planning ·Self assessment I quit understood that the self assessment is very important to my occupation choices and life choices, I need to know what I want. every people has a job that suits him/her, this is mainly relates with one’s own disposit...
篇一:职业生涯规划~英文版career_planning·SelfassessmentI quitunderstoodthattheselfassessmentisveryimportanttomyo 篇一:职业生涯规划~英文版career_planning ·Selfassessment Iquitunderstoodthattheselfassessmentisveryimportanttomy occupationchoicesandlifechoices,IneedtoknowwhatIwant. everypeoplehasajobthatsuitshim/her...
6. assessment and feedback. Career planning assessment and feedback process is a process of continuous cognition by individuals, and a process of continuous understanding of society. It is also a powerful means to make career planning more effective....
1. Self assessment: To better prepare for future careers, it is necessary to have a better understanding of ones own abilities and develop plans for improvement and retention in the future. I believe that I am good at communicating with others, empathetic, and value the cultivation of my own...
职业规划之职业个性测评(Careerpersonalityassessmentincareerplanning) Selfassessmentofoccupationalpersonality ThefollowingisacareerintelligencescaledevelopedbytheinternationalhighIQAssociation.Pleaseevaluateeachcaseaccordingtoyourownsituationandchooseascorebetween1and10.10specificmeansthisstatementcompletelyforyou;5or6wouldmeanthat...
college students’ career planning Career planning is an essential aspect of a college student's life, as it helps them set goals, make informed decisions, and work towards a successful future. Here are some key points to consider for college students' career planning: 1. Self-Assessment: ...
英语基础模块下册unit 11《career planning》ppt课件(1).pptx,英语基础模块下册unit 11《career planning》ppt课件(1)by 文库LJ佬2024-05-21 CONTENTSIntroduction to Career PlanningSelf-Assessment and Skills InventoryExploring Career Options 01Introduction to Care
Self-assessment is also needed to know what possible work will be most applicable to your character, needs, interests, skills, abilities, strengths and weakness. A sort of short description about yourself. Then you need to explore the jobs you are interested. This would entail employment ...
career_planning List Selfassessment(自我评估)Environmentanalysis(环境分析)Goaldetermination(目标确定)Putwordsintopractice(策略实施)Feedbackwithevaluation(反馈评估)PartoneSelf-assessment Thepurposeofself-assessmentistheunderstandingofthemselves.Whenweknowourselves,wecanmaketherightchoicewhich...