Current educational & career scenarios in different countries Upcoming specialisations Career related queries and doubts Anxiety & stress management Study skills & memory techniques Making the most of one’s opportunities For Teachers, Counsellors & Edu Leaders Continuous learning is the need of the hou...
Jobs & Opportunities Career Advice Career Coaching “ICT4D Jobs is my go to place for work in this field, not only because it curates only the best positions, but also because it tells me which technologies are on the rise, which organisations are launching interesting projects, and where de...
Today, foundit is committed to enabling and connecting the right talent with the right opportunities. Xencia Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Xencia is a Born in the Cloud Company that helps organizations in seamless public cloud adoption. We leverage our cloud services competencies to help you...
The program provides participants, as it has successfully in Brazil, with industry-focused, hands-on learning opportunities and career-focused events, delivered in collaboration with AWS teams and employers. In its first three months in India, the program reached 1,0...
“I am here to tell you all that I am now placed in TransUnion & I could not have done that without AccioJob's help. I joined AccioJob in my last semester of college. The placement opportunities in my college were not that great & that was when I made the decision to upskill myse...
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workforce. Such education can supplement general education and open up opportunities to earn a significant income from home, particularly in the era of globalization. Therefore, the director encourages the youth to embrace computer training and technology education, as it can lead to a successful ...
Atlantic CanadaOpportunitiesAgency (ACOA) Sprott School ofBusiness, CarletonUniversity, Canada Rutgers - The StateUniversity of NewJersey, USA Singapore TourismBoard and SingaporeEducation ICS Leadership Dr Amrita Dass Founder - Director, ICS There are no ideal careers, only ideal choices. We fine-tun...
This training assists an individual in developing the ability to think fast on their feet and carry out practical actions without getting paranoid. It’s a Free Program You’ll gain valuable skills that can lead to promotions or new job opportunities if you complete the program successfully. It...
Enroll in the best EICT-IITG accredited Data Science with AI & ML, Full Stack Dev, UI UX courses. Enjoy 100% placement assurance with big pay hikes in IT companies.