: A. college students high consumption phenomenon is the inevitable development of the market economy, should be given support. The unlimited expenditure of B. family is the main reason for college students' high consumption. C. schools should set up financial management courses to guide college ...
大学生职业发展与就业指导(Careerdevelopmentandcareer guidanceforCollegeStudents) OccupationdevelopmentandemploymentguidanceforCollege Students Totalscore:100pointsthroughtheexamscore:60time:120 minutes Theobjectivequestions(everyday:2points) 1,workinstate-ownedenterpriseswillencounteraCindy internshipexperienceas...
SPECIAL needs studentsVOCATIONAL guidanceSECONDARY school teachersHIGH school teachersINCLUSIVE educationTEACHERSThe purpose of this study is to define the main problems and provide organizationalmethodological recommendations for ensuring vocational guidance for students with special needs. This res...
An OECDstudyfound that successful careers for young people were greater in counties with the most available guidance in schools. Considering that in 2019 the risk of unemployment for people under 25 was 2.5x higher than for their older colleagues, it’s never too early to think about career pl...
In recent years, various forms of career guidance and career counseling have become more prominent and better serviced in most universities throughout the world. Such services are obviously to the benefit of the students themselves and for society. After an initially slow start, researchers and prac...
Looking after children is a richly rewarding career, but with over 60 different specialties to select from how do medical students and young doctors choose their career and what factors influence that choice? Postal questionnaire surveys of UK graduates have shown that since 1993 around 7.2% of do...
(1978), Career Guidance for Gifted and Talented Students. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 27: 72–76. doi: 10.1002/j.2164-585X.1978.tb00979.x Author Information † At Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, Christopher Borman is a professor in the department of educational psychology...
and build a team of full-time and part-time teachers for employment guidance with excellent teaching ability and rich experience in educating people, on the evening of December 8th, the college students' career The Development and Employment Guidance Teaching and Research Office carried out online ...
(n = 32).The experimental group received 2 hours career guidance education per week for a total 8 times.The self-designed questionnaire Nursing Career Planning Inventory was used to assess the students' career planning levels before and after the intervention.The self-designed Satisfaction Inventory...
Six groups of adolescent students selected on the basis of sex, age, classification (grade levels), residential status, academic programmes, and academic/vocational ambitions were assessed on their perspectives of their concern for their career guidance and counselling needs, namely self-awareness, voca...