2.多多练习简短的自我介绍。一般在career fair上会有非常多的人,而招聘者一天下来会接触非常多的人。这...
对于大一大二的学生来说,参加Career Fair可以提早感受就业市场、了解求职流程; 对于大三大四以及研究生来说,Career Fair比网申更直接、比内推更高效的求职方式! 又是一年Career Fair 秋季Career Fair如火如荼进行中 最近有很多小可爱询问秋招的问题 今天SeeU君整理出本篇 这大概是最全的应对攻略了 助你校招开挂!
4. 你发现了哪些官网上没有的信息。 为什么我要参加career fair? 嗯,了解公司,给面试做准备。 去了你就会发现,这些问题你可能就有答案了: What do you know about us? What interests you about working for us? What attracts you to a career in this industry? What skills and qualities do you think ...
作为“SAIE 2021 Career Fair” 活动的设计者和组织者,Jennifer老师这样阐述课程的目的和意义: Jennifer 博纳学校ELA老师 How do we expect young people to dream if they don’t know what they can dream about? Opportunities for 21st century career exploration give young people broader exposure to the wor...
🔴What does your company do? 🔴How much would I earn? Will I get bonus? 🔴Why should I apply? 🔴What can you offer me? 4️⃣在Career Fair 当天〽️ ❇️当天蕞好可以打印一些CV📇,直接给感兴趣且聊的不错的公司递过去。
Virtual job fair platform | Career Fair Plus™ is a complete mobile solution that allows students to research companies, navigate job fairs, and get event alerts, all while on the go.
写在最后,Career Fair对于同学们来说可以说是一场求职盛宴,但不得不承认,即时做好万全的准备,也不可能在几场Career Fair的两三天的时间内拿到所有目标公司的面试。 在求职过程中,Career Fair、内推和海投一个都不能少,内推在这里就不多说了,不过海投,除了打造好简历外,更需要了解目前绝大多数公司都在使用的简...
What do you think is your competitive advantage? 对面的人明显露出赞许的表情,说that’s an excellent question! 5. 在网上看见的经验里好像比较少提到,我们interviewee是可以引导谈话方向的。举个例子吧,可能罗嗦些 --- 我本人非常痛恨behavio...
What to do on the day of the fair Arrive as early as possible, come dressed appropriately for the job fair, and then follow these tips to make the most of your time: Be confident and enthusiastic Introduce yourself with a smile and a firm handshake. Companies are there because they want...
This career fair is open to all Boston University students and alumni, in all class years and majors. DON'T get caught unprepared - here's a must read before the big day! Dress for the event and be sure to know what to do. Plan ahead to make the most of your time, polish your ...