Q. Is this career test printable? A. Yes. If you purchase your full career test report, this can be downloaded to PDF for easy printing and sharing. Q. Is the career test accurate? A. The Career Personality Profiler aptitude test has been researched extensively to ensure it is valid and...
内容提示: 职业倾向测验(Career aptitude test) Test number: E100011175 Career tendency Assessment Report Sen 2012, 04, 06, 11:58 This report is for reference only. The right to interpret this report is jointly owned by the http://www.jobtest.com.cn/, Tangshan Industrial Vocational Technical ...
本单元阅读文本向中学生推荐职业能力测试(CareerAptitude Test),在建议学生利用职业倾向测试来发现自己更感兴趣、更有 潜力的学习或职业方向,并规划自己的未来职业。 本文采用了建议性文本,全篇从职业生涯的重要意义讲起,针对 中学生对职业规划比较迷茫的现状,提出了职业倾向测试这一建议。
The ABLE career aptitude test series helps you to recruit the right people. Take a look at the benefits of a career personality test with The Myers-Briggs Company.
【邦妮汉化】职业能力测试|Career Aptitude Test 汉化,三宫六院 - 模拟人生|模拟人生3|模拟人生4|模拟市民|www.sglynp.com
ASVAB Test:职业能力倾向测验考试 热度: 职业倾向测验(Careeraptitudetest) Testnumber:E100011175 CareertendencyAssessmentReport Sen 2012,04,06,11:58 Thisreportisforreferenceonly.Therighttointerpretthis reportisjointlyownedbythehttp://.jobtest/, TangshanIndustrialVocationalTechnicalCollege ...
What career you choose will now not be just influenced and boxed by your peers and relatives, it will be scientifically and factually backed by our career aptitude test.
We asked the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation to adapt five career aptitude tests for you to try at home--no props or proctors necessary.
职业能力倾向测试(Career Aptitude Test, CAT)用于评估个人职业倾向和潜在能力,包括职业兴趣、知识技能、个人特质、沟通能力、创造力及偏好价值观等方面。 什么是职业倾向测试(Career Aptitude Test)? 职业倾向测试(Career Aptitude Test)是一种专门设计用于评估个人职业潜力和倾向的测评...