Frederick Road Veterinary Hospital is dedicated to providing high-quality veterinary care for the Catonsville, MD community.
We are a busy, 3-doctor AAHA-accredited (member of the American Animal Hospital Association), veterinary clinic. Our main hospital is located in Frederick and we have a satellite office in Thurmont as well. We offer medical care for dogs and cats as well as exotic pets such as: rodent po...
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The failure of hospital administration and insurance companies to recognize the real root of the "nursing shortage" problem. This has been going on for the 25 years I have been an RN, and they just don't get it. Like the oth...
hospital capacities in Afghanistan was modified to take into account the nuances of the Sierra Leone situation. The Analysis of Requirements for Hospital utilisation and resources (ARTHUR) model takes estimated healthcare worker infection rates, calculated mortality rates, and population sizes of the ...