healthcare 是医疗保健的意思,而treatment则是治疗的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:health care is help you to maintain your health, but treatment is healing some problems in your body. 保健是帮助您保持健康,但治疗是治愈您身体中的一些问题。
This video illustrates how assisted living technology contributes to a more efficient elder care sector and empowers senior citizens. 到2040年,四分之一的丹麦人将达到或超过65岁。为了在未来保持更多的老年人口健康和独立,丹麦正在努力提高老年人护理的效率,使老年人能够在自己的家中保持健康,并为他们提供支助...
Surgical treatmentRadio therapyRead the full-text online article and more details about "You Can't Trust Healthcare to the Federal Government" by Gingrich, Newt - Human Events, Vol. 65, Issu...
Explore health insurance options including Medicare, Medicaid, individual and family, short term and dental, as well as employer plans.
Although MADs are good for many, it is advisable to see a healthcare professional to guarantee correct fit and prevent possible adverse effects, such as teeth alignment problems or jaw discomfort. Positional Therapy Some sufferers of sleep apnea find snoring and trouble breathing mostly when they ...
Designed to help you care We are making selfless dedication of nurses, doctors & healthcare professionals easier by creating designing products that help them care. Watch our tribute to them! Learn more #1 ADVANCED CARE BEDS MANUFACTURER WORLDWIDE ...
But it’s always possible to have a system that is even worse. I have often cited the United Kingdom, which has genuine socialism (government employs the doctors and runs the hospitals). However, as part of an ongoing series about “great moments in government-run healthcare,” today we’...
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Do you know the healthcare options in your local area? We have doctors, dentists, chiropractors, and more that are available and welcoming new patients.