Professionals find ACP challenging; there appear to be additional difficulties in dementia around responsibility, assessment of capacity and legal dilemmas. People with dementia and their families do plan ahead in many areas for example, making wills and lasting power of attorney for finance. However,...
Search ((advance care planning[MeSH Terms]) OR (advance care plan* OR healthcare directive OR advance medical directive OR health care proxy OR durable power of attorney OR advance directive OR end-of-life decision OR future care plan*)) AND ((dementia[MeSH Terms]) OR dement* OR cognitive...
2,3,8,9,10], the reality is different, and only a minority of people with dementia get the opportunity to engage in ACP [11]. For example, studies show that a minority of deceased nursing home residents with dementia had an advance directive [12,13,14] and that general practitioners...
Dementia Care Aging Innovation James Assignment (Essay) 40% The ageing of the world’s population is a global phenomenon increasing the demand for adequate healthcareservices available to older people. It continues to challenge those whoplanand manage the services for older people and even more imp...
The current mixed methods, embedded study evaluated the use of an online tool (Care to Plan [CtP]) that generates tailored service and support recommendations for dementia caregivers as well as information that can connect dementia caregiver users to recommended resources. Forty-three dementia caregive...
Dementia care is one of the most important challenges for health care systems in the greying societies of – for example – the US or Europe. Based on epidemiological prognoses they will have to cope with doubled or tripled figures of dementia patients until 2050 [1–3]. In Germany, direct...
First National Dementia Plan, 2001–05 An estimated 600,000 French people lived with dementia; half were diagnosed, and one-third were receiving treatment; 75% of people with Alzheimer's disease were living at home; 50% of all nursing home residents lived with some form of dementia; a day...
Aim 1: To conduct a multi-site RCT of the ADRD-PC program (intervention arm) vs publicly available educational material for dementia caregivers (control arm) to compare 60-day hospital transfers (hospitalization and emergency room visits) for persons with late-stage ADRD (primary outcome). H1...
Control dyads will receive publicly available educational material on dementia caregiving. Outcomes will be measured at 30 days (interim) and 60 days post-discharge. The primary outcome will be 60-day hospital transfers, defined as visits to an emergency department or hospitalization ascertained from ...
Our primary question focused on the role of "direct" altruism, in the form of a caregiver deriving pleasure from providing informal care, in the mix of informal and formal care services as a part of the total care plan for patients with dementia. Our main interest was to test whether "...