近日,美国医学影像设备领域的佼佼者DirectMed Imaging迎来了重要转折点。知名医疗私募股权巨头Frazier Healthcare Partners已成功从另一风投公司NMS Capital手中收购了这家公司,而具体的收购金额则未向外界公布。DirectMed自2012年创立以来,一直专注于MR、CT和X光设备领域,其服务网络遍布全球医疗网络、影像中心及独立服务...
Pregnant women or those who could be pregnant should not have CT scans, particularly full body or abdominal scans. In some cases it is decided by your physician that the benefit outweighs the risk. Please notify your physician and/or your technologist if you think you may be pregnant. Exam...
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” – Dr. Milind Parikh, Director of PreventiveCardiology and Cardiac CT, Image OneMeasurable Impact >400K Patients Treated >1,400 Institutions Using Heartflow and Growing >600 Peer-reviewed Publications 99.5% of US Lives CoveredFeatured News Heartflow Unveils Bold New Vision for Management ...
Serial ctDNA Testing Identifies Bladder Cancer Patients Who May Avoid Adjuvant Therapy - Joaquim Bellmunt Consolidative Local Therapy in Metastatic Bladder Cancer After Systemic Treatment Response - Fed Ghali Perioperative Systemic Therapies for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer - Jacqueline Brown Real-Worl...
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all without ever being called. Once power was restored, he was again on site to test the magnet and restart the cold head. The service is fantastic. All engineers are knowledgeable and well-trained. He also verified the functionality of our CT. He made the process of reopening smooth and ...