From care to uni : looked after children and care leavers in higher education in scotlandThe research briefing is presented in the context of Scottish government policy in relation to widening access to higher education, in particular for students from a looked after backgrou...
Those young care leavers who do well in terms of mental capital and wellbeing, progress to higher education, do not enter the crime statistics, and are able to maintain independent living with support. The research to date suggests that early entry into the care system, kinship or family ...
The money was given as a grant for equipment and infrastructure – including armoured vehicles, IT, accommodation and buildings. The defence secretary said steps had been taken “to ensure than an oversight such as this does not occur again”. Good thing I don’t ‘misspend’ my income in ...
with significant international variation in nomenclature and classification [1]. They can be defined as individuals who have had statutory involvement, whereby parental rights have been transferred to another adult. In some countries, such as the UK, there are specific mechanisms to support care ...