Di DisleyAbingdon Community Hospital, Oxfordshire;University of Ulster/Royal Hospitals Trust, Belfast;Brendan McCormackAbingdon Community Hospital, Oxfordshire;University of Ulster/Royal Hospitals Trust, Belfast;John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Spirituality & Health International...
In Wales, 1250 young people are now trained as Digital Heroes and have volunteered in hospitals, care homes, and libraries. Major opportunities for UK HIT Despite the need to overcome some challenges, the four countries of the UK are well positioned to strengthen HIT capacity and capabilities. ...
Interestingly, engaging family in technology-based games was advised to reduce boredom and isolation of persons with dementia [28,56]. Furthermore, multiple care homes “linked up” through video calls using Skype or FaceTime or Zoom to stay connected [46]. Telepresence robots were also ...
Movement disorders specialists and PNSs have begun to take advantage of modern telemedicine applications to support the needs of PwP on advanced therapies, while carefully picking those specific cases who might need face-to-face assessments at patients’ homes with respect to safety rules. To ensure...
doi:10.1186/s12916-023-03044-wJack, Ruth H.Coupland, Carol A. C.Joseph, Rebecca M.Hollis, ChrisMorriss, RichardKnaggs, Roger DavidCipriani, AndreaCortese, SamueleHippisley-Cox, JuliaBioMed CentralBMC Medicine
doi:10.1016/S0016-5085(09)62820-1Leighton, MatthewVinogradova, YanaShonde, AnthonyAtherton, John C.Logan, Richard F.Avery, AnthonyKendrick, DeniseHippisley-Cox, JuliaHawkey, Chris J.Elsevier Inc.Gastroenterology
doi:10.1186/s13089-023-00354-1Bellini, TommasoChianucci, BenedettaD'Alessandro, MatteoRicci, MargheritaCalevo, Maria GraziaMisley, SilviaPiccotti, EmanuelaMoscatelli, AndreaSpringer International PublishingUltrasound Journal
Stoma Care Nurse of the Year BJN AWARD RUNNER UP British Journal of Nursing Vol 24, No Sup17Helen DisleyLyn GreeningTara ClowGillian Harker
Achieving RCN accreditation for SecuriCare stoma care clinical nursing standardsdoi:10.12968/gasn.2009.7.1.39372Sylvia WallerFrances ChalmersAnnie JowettHelen DisleyMA Healthcare London
The EPS-IDS contains 3 relationship indices that assess staff relationships with their employing organisation, their co-workers, and service users.PhilipLancasterDisleyLancasterChrisLancasterHattonLancasterDaveLancasterDagnanLancasterInformahealthcareJournal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability...