For these reasons, ensuring equitable access to home care services has been an important goal of long-term care policy, both in the United States and abroad. Understanding the ability of those who are not adequately covered by publicly funded programs to access alternative sources of payment for...
The premium from the lowest-priced bronze plan purchased through a health insurance exchange in someone's home state was more than a certain percentage of the purchaser’s household annual income.23 The purchaser’s annual household income was below the threshold forInternal Revenue Service (IRS)ta...
environment. Plus you as a parent will enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your child will not be being home any unwanted germs and diseases into your house. Parents must also consider if there is a dispute over payment and care; how does the management and staff deal with such ...
but it also affects their final eldercare solutions because of their learning and working experience. The expectations of the low-versus-high profile retirees on eldercare services vary from threshold to distinctive level. It was observed that the Ningbo focus-group representatives’ average income is...
Health insurance can serve as a protective mechanism shielding individuals or households from the financial strain that could lead to impoverishment when seeking needed healthcare. Among the general population, health insurance has been associated with a decrease in out-of-pocket payment (OOP) [33,34...
growth of the overall global economy, these disparities in income are likely to persist. One recent estimate predicted that by 2040 all but one low-income country will still not be able to spend the US$86 per capita widely seen as a threshold for providing a basic package of health ...
The findings suggested that the human capital approach was more sensitive at capturing the financial strain at lower threshold levels, while the output approach became relatively more significant at higher thresholds. It was noted that the human capital approach generally identified a higher percentage ...
Although we have described the conditions to qualify for home care and nursing home admission in the survey, part of the heterogeneity in WTPs and the diminishing WTPs for home care insurance may be due to potential differences in implicit threshold criteria individuals have in mind. Our findings...
We tested the hypothesis that the instability measures for RNs, LPNs, and CNAs offer independent information about quality, above and beyond the information offered by the HPRD staffing measures in 12 separate regressions, by assessing whether the P values were below the .05 threshold for significa...
Referring to the critical value of the Gini coefficient given by the China national bureau of statistics and the classification of the Gini coefficient threshold value in existing literature [33,34]. We divide the cut-off value of the Gini coefficient into a value of 0 denotes absolute equality...