We will help save the rhino by teaming up with the Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary, the biggest rhino orphan sanctuary in the world.
#肯尼亚旅行[超话]# Care for Wild第八只小犀牛出生了,犀牛妈妈在帮小犀牛学着站起来(video repost from Care For Wild Rhino Sanctuary) http://t.cn/A6WTix6v
Care for Wild Africa doesn’t just aim to save rhinos, but also as many orphaned and injured animals as they possibly can.The sanctuary also housed lions, hippos, tortoises, meerkats and even a serval kittenat the time of our visit, all receiving the best possible care. We left the sanct...
Winter Feeding at Care for Wild With winter upon us, the ‘winter feeding’ programme is in full swing. This entails delivering large bales of teff, lucerne, rhino pellets and molasses meal to the ‘intensive protection zone’, where KMSA’s ‘magnificent seven’ and other older rhinos roam ...