responsibilityfor their care,education and development, such as the child’s parents [...] 这包括一切有责任保证他们得到照料、教育和发展的人,例如孩子的父母或于适用时当地习俗认定的扩大家庭或社 区成员;法定监护人或其他对儿童负有法律责任的人;儿童保育专业人员...
Quality home care services start with a simple referral. Click Here Meet OurStaff Learn about the credibility of our carers and nurses. Click Here Welcome toCare GiversHomecare Quality home care services are now within reach.Care Givers Homecareoffers a wide range of home care services to allow...
Available to provide patients with counselling and holistic support (on referral). Patient Liaison Lead Your day-to-day contact for non-clinical queries. Consultant Engagement Manager Your dedicated account manager; responsible for the service we provide. Pharmacy Team A team of BOPA complian...
Factors associated with outcomes for looked-after children and young people: a correlates review of the literature In 2008, the Department of Health made a referral to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the Social Care Institute for Excellence... R Jones,ES Everson-Hock...
Development of a State-Wide Pediatric Palliative Care Service in Australia: Referral and Outcomes over Two Years. of factors were identified as being important for providing optimal care including ensuring equity in access, timing of referral, and continuity of care. Co... Herbert,Anthony,Bradford,...
In general terms,careforadults, risk groups and chronically sick persons consists of assessment of the state of health and risk factors, advice on healthy lifestyles, the detection of health problems and assessment of their clinical status, referral of patients for clinical follow-up appropriate to...
Cancer requires interdisciplinary intersectoral care. The Care Coordination Instrument (CCI) captures patients’ perspectives on cancer care coordination. We aimed to translate, adapt, and validate the CCI for Germany (CCI German version). The original E
Without my Geneva Carers, my recovery may not have been so smooth sailing. CATRIONA, GENEVA CLIENT More stories I just love caring for people, you really feel like you become part of the Client’s family. RAEWYN, GENEVA SUPPORT WORKER ...
For the explanatory analysis, we applied a logistic regression model in which referral behavior was the dependent variable. The question was whether diagnosis was made predominantly at the GPs’ practice or by means of referral to a specialist. GPs who made the diagnosis primarily at their own pr...
Left in limbo: patients\" views on care across the primary/secondary interface OBJECTIVES: To discover the views of patients about their experiences across the interface between primary and secondary health care, including referral fr... C Preston,F Cheater,R Baker,... - 《Quality in Health ...