The demand for care homes appears to be emerging as a key future trend in response to the burgeoning population of older adults, with the need for care pro
Design and Simulation of a Point-of-Care Microfluidic Device for Acoustic Blood Cell Separation. Engineering Proceedings. 2020; 2(1):76. Chicago/Turabian Style Sharifi, Fatemeh, Armin Sedighi, and Mubashar Rehman. 2020. "Design and Simulation of a ...
Payment options include either 1) monthly payments with continued coverage, or 2) a one-time payment with coverage for 2 years with exception of NY. You agree to all the provisions of this Plan when you order and/or pay for it. By providing your electronic address to us or Samsung, you...
Collaborative care can be designed with varying levels of intensity and requires careful consideration in its implementation. Our review found important between-study heterogeneity, and we have used this variability to explore some of the issues in design and implementation that affect the magnitude of...
For this explorative online study, a mixed methods design was chosen to examine the research questions. The study is part of a project that was conducted as an online survey on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of Germany (BMFSFJ). The study...
[77]. Additionally as most interventional studies target survivors at the individual level, rather than issues at the provider or systems levels, there remain gaps in understanding the impacts of survivorship services at these levels [3]. Implementation studies are recommended to also address these ...
Every psychological signal has a different sensor that can detect and measure the signal; therefore, the sensor design application will dictate the wearable form that the device will become. Not only do the sensors matter but the materials used for the biosensors are also taken into consideration ...
For example, a history of a sexually transmitted disease (STD), along with a sexual history that includes a current or former partner with a history of intravenous drug abuse/use should spur clinicians to address HIV risks and to offer appropriate counseling and testing to determine the woman’...
When using non-experimental design data, a limitation of multivariate analysis is that the approach does not address the problem of selection bias derived from embedded difference between the treatment and control groups. In this study, we found heterogeneities in nursing home care choices by marital...
All authors made a substantial contribution to the manuscript and the design of the work. YS and YE conceptualized the idea; all authors contributed in developing the protocol and writing the manuscript. All authors critically reviewed the manuscript for important intellectual content, edited, and app...