Free Essays from Studymode | Lydia Hall’s theory of core, cure, and care theory can be easily integrated into practice. The core aspect of her theory...
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the case management of patients with cardiovascular disease by using the theoretical approach "care, core, and cure" model theory. The method used is a case study of 30 patients with Cardiovascular Diseases in Harapan Kita Jakarta National...
The core purpose of long-term care is to provide nursing and support, if necessary on a full-time basis, rather than working towards a cure and recovery. Medical interventions are only a limited part of this; much of the work is about helping people with their day-to-day functioning (was...
6 As with any fragile wound, core management includes atraumatic dressing changes and use of nonadherent materials such as vaseline gauze (Xeroform, Adaptic) or nonstick gauze (Telfa). Although standard hemostatic agents common in the operating room setting can be used on malignant wounds, the ...
importance of sputum microscopy and its impact on the other family members living in close vicinity of patient with due importance to cure them resulting in breaking the chain of transmission of the disease in the society and prevention of the drug resistant Tuberculosis, which is the challenging ...
core group (EC): executive committee (HP): health promotion (NGOs): non-governmental organizations (PHC): primary health care (SC): self-care (SCMHR): self-care manual and health record (UK): United Kingdom (US): United States of America (WHO): World Health Organization...
Introduction Treatment and screening problems are a class of sequential decision-making problems under uncertainty that are ubiquitous in healthcare. Treatment problems aim to determine the best therapy or therapies to cure or reduce the negative impact of a diagnosed disease or group of diseases. In...
Support for self-care in mental health should focus on core, mental health specific qualities; issues of control, enabling staff-service user relationships and shared decision making. The broad empirical basis of our research indicates the wider relevance of our findings across mental health settings...
who evaluated the implementation of a new treatment process, illustrated how shifting from established norms and responsibilities to more cooperative approaches create tensions [69,70]. Besides routine preservation, a focus on core tasks may also conflict with the motivation for change or drive for im...
The P–E fit theory states that organizations can also influence the amount of repression by hiring the “right” staff. The more educated staff members are less likely to favor restraint and seclusion (Wynn et al.2011; Lambert et al.2015), because they possess stronger negative attitudes abou...