The Implementation of a Perinatal Continuum of Care Information System: Lessons LearnedBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksJournal of Healthcare Information ManagementDonald Levick, MDMichael Sheinberg, MD
It was found that as they age, therapists are less able to keep personal concerns from affecting their practice. Going through death of one’s partner, declining health and mental effects of aging may bring about a depletion of the therapist’s abilities and countertransference mismanagement, all...
Information Flow and Clinical Outcomes in a Fully Functional Perinatal Continuum of CareBy Donald Levick MD, Michael Sheinberg MD, Chad Meyerhoefer PhD, et al., Published on 01/01/13doi:10.1017/S0021855300005593Donald Levick, MDMichael Sheinberg, MD...