Should you get a credit card with no fee on balance transfers? No-fee balance transfer cards are designed for people looking to get out of debt and maximize savings. If you want to get a credit card for the purpose of paying off an existing balance, then cards with no balance transfer ...
We also didn’t consider cards like the Capital One Spark Cash Select, which don’t charge balance transfer fees (see rates and fees) but also don’t have a 0% intro period. (New cardholders aren't immediately eligible for transfers anyway.) Ditto cards like the Security Service Power Bu...
Balance Transfers Cash Back Rewards Travel Point Rewards Building Credit Military Credit Card Benefits for Cardholders All featured military credit cards include the following special benefits for military card members: Foreign Transactions: ZERO foreign transaction fees when you use your card outside of...
The offer: The MyPower card from Kinecta Federal Credit Union has no balance transfer fee and charges an introductory APR of 4.99% on balance transfers for 18 months, as of April 2024. After the intro period ends, the ongoing APR is 13.24% to 18% (variable). Obviously, a 4.99% interes...
Interest on balance transfers 0%for15months with no fee Representative APR (variable) 29.8%APR Balance transfer fee No fee Pay the balance over 19months with fees & interest of£39.30 Apply Representative example: The standard interest rate on purchases is 23.9% p.a. (variable), so if yo...
See Rates & Fees Balance transfer intro APR 0% intro for 18 months on Balance Transfers Regular APR 18.24% - 28.24% (Variable) Rewards rate Hover to learn more 1% - 5% Annual fee $0 Why you'll like this: It boasts an intro APR on par with several top balance transfer cards, plus ...
Regular APR 17.49% - 27.49% Variable APR on purchases and balance transfers Why you'll like this: You can build your business credit while earning the same rewards as the unsecured version of this card. Reward Details What you should know Card Details Add to compare Best for flat-rate cas...
Introductory APR period for both purchases and balance transfers. Choose your own due date. Cons There’s a balance transfer fee. Charges foreign transaction fees. No reward potential. The U.S. Bank Platinum Visa’s long introductory APR period is the main event with this card. But the incl...
What Is a Balance Transfer and Why Is It Useful? What to Look For in a Balance Transfer Card Balance Transfer Fee Low or No-Intro APR: Check Specifically for Balance Transfers Low or No Annual Fee Skip the Bonuses How to Choose the Best Balance Transfer Offer ...
Receive a 0% intro APR for 18 months on balance transfers. Credit score Fair to Excellent Regular APR 18.24% - 28.24% variable Annual fee $0 Welcome bonus Earn $200 cash back See rates and fees, terms apply. Read our Citi Double Cash® Card review. Our expert take Pros & Cons...