Nier: Automata – I like the style, the game play, the story, the characters, and the world, but man, I just don’t have like 500 hours to spend on something that is clearly going to be about the definition of humanity in a world of robots. I mean, I can watch Ghost in the Sh...
(英) v. 恭维奉承(praise sb too much) (考) fulminate : criticize \ adulate : flatter(斥责是猛烈批评\谄媚是拼命奉承)malinger : ail \ flatter : appreciate(装病是假装生病\奉承是假装赞美)scorn : reject \ adulate : flatter \ disparage : ignore(不屑是严厉拒绝\谄媚是拼命奉承\蔑视是十分忽视)flat...
(英) adj. 沮丧的,失望的 (in low spirits; depressed; disheartened) (考) 反义词: exultant(欢跃的) (记) de+ject(扔)→扔掉 (同) 同根词:abject(可怜的);reject(拒绝) (例) a dejected look How well did you know this? 1 Not at all 2 3 4 5 Perfectly 212 Q periodical A ...