van der Wall EE. Impact factor 2012 for cardiovascular journals: true impact? Neth Heart J. 2013. doi:10.1007/s12471-013-0455-2.van der Wall EE. Impact factor 2012 for cardiovascular journals: true impact? Neth Heart J. 2013;21:377-8. doi:10. 1007/s12471-013-0455-2....
5-year Journal Impact Factor 1.3 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 3 days Downloads 92,688 (2024) Calls for papers Collection Topical Collection on Lipids Topical Collection on Lipids is a collection of articles that explores the roles, functions, and implications of lipids in hum...
Juniper Publishers|Juniper Journals|3700 Park View Ln #12B, Irvine, California 92612, USA ISSN:2474-7580 Impact Factor:2.024 (2023-24) Ingress Full textAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Your PaperOpen AccessPropose Special IssueRecommend to LibrarianEditor RegistrationsIndexing & ArchivingOrder ReprintsPay Online ...
If ‘X’ is the total number of articles published in 2014 and 2015, and ‘Y’ is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2016 then, impact factor = Y/X. Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process): ...
Cardiovascular Research Impact Factor: In the field of cardiovascular research, the impact factor of a journal is an essential indicator of its influence among researchers and clinicians. High-impact journals attract quality submissions, disseminate pioneering research findings, and shape the direction of...
Journal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine PubMed indexed journals, Impact Factor journals, Web of Science indexed journals, Medline indexed journals 发表周期根据以往发表文章及网友经验,小编认为本杂志大部分文章发表较快或适中! 开放获取及发表费用开放获取(Open access,OA)模式需作者支付发表费用,本杂志近三年OA文章占比99.37%。 发表费用:开放获取为世界上的任何人提供了免费和立即的在线获取学术...
The impact factor is based on citations obtained during the first two years after the year of publication. For cardiovascular journals it is known that the zenith in citations is reached after this period [1]. We analyzed the citations to all 3963 papers ever published by Cardiovascular ...
Indexing:ESCI,Scopus,CAS,Dimensions,Lens,CNKI Submission to first decision:18 days Journal Flyer Journalsjca Call for paper Dr. Martin Young's special issue aims to highlight the latest advances in understanding circadian influences on cardiovascular and cardiometabolic functions, with the goal of expl...
Partner journals Journal of the American College of Cardiology Supports open access 42.7CiteScore 21.7Impact Factor JACC A Journal of the American College of Cardiology As the leader in its field, JACC publishes original peer-reviewed clinical and experimental reports on all aspects of cardiovascular ...