-Cardiac disease-Aortic rupture Intracranial Aneurysms -Localized dilation of a cerebral artery or veinEtiology-Genetic factors-Acquired: hypertension, smoking, alcohol, obesity, headtraumaClinical Manifestations-May be asymptomatic till rupture-Sudden and unusually severe headache due to rupture Subarachnoid ...
aging disease, hardening of walls, blood vessel lose elasticity therefore as unable to expand or contract What are the three major categories of CVD? 1. Coronary artery disease2. Peripheral vascular disease 3. Cerebral vascular disease What is coronary artery disease Blood vessels in the heart Wha...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Coronary Artery Disease risk factors and signs and symptoms include...、Preventing CAD includes measure to、Describe the types of angina pectoris等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
- Chronic Rheumatic Carditis: years to decades after initial episode, valvular disease, - Prognosis: surgical repair of valves improves outlook Acute Infective Endocarditis - Highly virulent organism, normal valve*, 50% mortality, necrotizing/ulcerative infection, requires surgery ...
It's toxin mediates a disease that affects multiple systems including the cardiovascular system, causing a myocardial dysfunction:> Spirochetosis icterohaemorrhegica> Corynebacterium diptheriae> Treponam pallidum> Mycobacterium tuberculosis Corynebacterium diphtheria. ...
Alpha 1 Blockers Alpha 2 Agonist Beta Blockers 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 93 建立者 rachel_rosen5 Does not include hypertension, BP, and different stages of hypertension 學生們也學習了 The Human Body in Health and Disease 7th Edition•ISBN:9780323402118 ...
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Group of diseases that includes stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden coronary death Diastolic Dysfunction / Diastolic Heart Failure Decline in the performance of one or both ventricles during diastole ...
leukocytes that circulate throught the blood and fight disease infection red vs white blood cells white blood cells are larger than red blood cells and have a nucleus platelets role in the body frangments of cells that aid in blood clotting four functions of the spleen - removes and recycles ...
Chronic kidney disease Nonmodifiable:Family history of CAD (first-degree relative with cardiovascular disease at 55 years of age or younger for men and at 65 years of age or younger for women) Increasing age (more than 45 years for men; more than 55 years for women) ...