Cardiovascular diseaseis a group of conditions that affect your heart and blood vessels. It's sometimes also called heart disease. Conditions that affect your heart and blood vessels can include problems you're born with, heart valves that don't work they way they should, and irregular heart ...
1、冠心病 (Coronary heart disease)冠心病一般指冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病。冠心病是冠状动脉血管发生动脉粥样硬化病变而引起血管腔狭窄或阻塞,造成心肌缺血、缺氧或坏死的心脏疾病。危险因素:高血压,高血脂,吸烟,不健康饮食,缺乏运动,糖尿病,年龄增长,遗传等。2、中风 (Stroke)中风是由大脑血液供应中断引发的疾...
上期提到, 日常生活中相较于hypertension, 使用high blood pressure能够更加直观地表达 "高血压"。同样, “心血管疾病”cardiovasculardisease就是俗称的heart disease, 其"发作"的俗称就是heart attack("心脏病发作")。 另外, 句法的使用也应尽量接近日常口语而非书面用语...
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) 心血管疾病(CVD) Heart disease as well as diseases of the blood vessel system (arteries, capillaries, veins) that can lead to heart attack, chest pain (angina), or stroke. 心脏病以及血管系统(动脉、毛...
Cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病) is the main cause of early death in China and many developing countries.Studies show that it kills more than 17million people around the world every year.In the next 15years that number is expected to rise to 23million.These deaths are,for the most part,pr...
Cardiovascular disease (心血管病) is the number one cause of death globally.The researchers pointed out that although time spent doing vigorous1007.number of people living with cardiovascular disease across the world has--y the q. way to improve heart health, there are ways to benefit for peopl...
Cardiovascular disease is a spectrum of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels, including heart attacks and stroke. It is the leading cause of death in developed nations. Heart attacks occur when a blood clot suddenly blocks an artery in heart muscle. It can cut off most or all ...
原文引用 医护英语学习 Cardiovascular Disorders 4. coronary heart disease (冠心病) 1/:点击本文标题下方的蓝色公众号名称,即可关注我们…
cardiovascular disease ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 cardiovasculardisease 心血管疾病() 也可见: cardiovascular— 血管形 · 心血管 · 心血形 disease名— 病名 · 疾病名 · 疾名 · 症名 · 病患名 · 患病名 · 病症名 · 病变名 · 瘥名 ·
This patient with cardiovascular disease is in danger. 这位心血管病病人告危。 The cardiovascular disorders interfere with the emptying of the left ventricle. 心血管病人造成左心室郁血。 权威例句 Prevention of Cardiovascular Events and Death with Pravastatin in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and a...