the Food4Me European study of personalized nutrition10showed improved dietary behaviors (that is, HEI), but no significant differences in body weight at 6 months when compared with a nonpersonalized diet group. In addition, Ben-Yacov et al.11showed no differences in body weight between a postp...
Junk food in schools and childhood obesity. J Policy Anal Manage. 2012;31(2):312–37. PMID 23729952. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Perkins C, DeSouza E. Trends in childhood height and weight, and socioeconomic equalities. Lancet. 2018;3(4):PE160–1. Google Scholar Bajaj HS,...
Additional support was obtained from grant ALICIAK-2018 from the Alicia Koplowitz Foundation, University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence, Unit of Excellence on Exercise, Nutrition and Health, the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, ...
Alternatively, since we also found a null effect for the vegan diet, it could be true that those assigned to vegan and vegetarian diets added more salt to their food to increase palatability. More studies analyzing urinary sodium excretion are needed to confirm this. Despite this discrepancy, ...
food product to the daily dietary patterns of individuals, and the corresponding validity for the association between a person’s FCS with a validated healthy dietary pattern and major health outcomes, have not been established. Such research is critical to substantiate the utility of Food Compass ...
Diet is among the most influential lifestyle factors impacting chronic disease risk. Nutrimetabolomics, the application of metabolomics to nutrition research, allows for the detection of food-specific compounds (FSCs) that can be used to connect dietary
Such analyses should be supplemented by studies investigating the circadian sequence of food intake and metabolic consequences including hard disease endpoints. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare no conflict of interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Dr Brian Buijsse for the initial discussion to plan ...
Food frequency questionnaire BMI: Body mass index ICD: International Classification of Diseases HR: Hazard ratio CI: Confidence interval PEA: Proximity extension assay STRING: Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins FDR: False discovery rate STROBE: Strengthening the Repor...
To increase compliance to the diet, all participants were provided with a HFHC diet plan prior to the intervention to ensure palatability with all foods. Participants were instructed of the importance to consume all food on their HFHC dietary plan and to not consume any other food products. Pa...
Food Intake and Physical Activity eTable 3. Completers-Only Analysis of Primary and Secondary Outcomes eFigure 1. Mood eFigure 2. Sleep Supplement 2. Trial Protocol Supplement 3. Statistical Analysis Plan Supplement 4. Data Sharing Statement 1. Smyers ME, Koch LG, Britton SL, Wagn...