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(nuclear stress tests) is the most widely used. The test usually involves injecting radioactive dye, then taking two sets of images of your heart — one at rest and another after exertion. The result shows the areas with poor blood flow or damage in the heart. Anuclear stress testis one...
Cardiopulmonary exercise test CT: Computed tomography CV: Cardiovascular DM: Diabetes mellitus DPD: Diphosphonate scintigraphy ECV: Extracellular volume eGFR: Estimated glomerular filtration rate ESC: European Society of Cardiology HF: Heart failure HFmrEF: Heart failure with mildly reduced ej...
摘要: One major goal of invasive or noninvasive cardiology is to assess the "contractility" or "inotropic state" of the heart. An evaluation model which uses only noninvasive methods and corresponds to the Frank-Starling principle is presented.关键词:...
Maximum oxygen consumption adjusted for body weight (in milliliters per minute per kilogram) was assessed by measuring heart rate in response to a submaximal exercise test on a friction-braked cycle ergometer, and calculated by standard protocols.37 Sex-specific quartiles were formed. Following Carn...
Meet the experts in the upcoming Leading Conference at the 36th European Heart and Heart Failure Congress on July 24-25, 2025 at Paris, France
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) first published guidelines for the evaluation and management of HF in 1995 (6). Since that time, a great deal of progress has been made in the development of both pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches ...
Of the 1334 participants who completed all questions on the Heart Age Questionnaire, necessary to compute heart age and a 10-year risk score, 512 underestimated their 10-year risk (mean difference, 6.0%), while 817 overestimated their 10-year risk (mean difference, 1.2%). The remaining 5 ...
Congestive heart failuren(%)62 (1.1%)11 (2.4%).013 Hypertensionn(%)2880 (50.5%)259 (56.2%).020 Diabetes mellitusn(%)614 (10.8%)48 (10.4%).808 Stroke/TIA/thrombo‐embolismn(%)401 (7.1%)39 (8.5%).254 Vascul...
Pre-term delivery and risk of ischemic heart disease in women. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76(1):57-67. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2020.04.072 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 15. Tanz LJ, Stuart JJ, Williams PL, et al. Preterm delivery and maternal cardiovascular disease risk ...