Although cardiac electrophysiology trainees may encounter these approaches and systems during their fellowships, by default, the majority of clinical electrophysiologists will first be exposed to, and begin using, emerging techniques and technologies outside of their training experience. As such, the ...
J.C. was supported by AHA postdoctoral fellowships (14POST20230023 and 16POST30230005). K.D.P. acknowledges grant support from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) (HL081674, HL131319, and HL136182), an AHA Merit Award, and Fondation Leducq. Reviewer information Nature ...
(101185, 105663) are funded by fellowships from the National Heart Foundation of Australia. The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia supports K.M.M.C. through a C.J. Martin Fellowship (1112125) and L.B. through an Emerging Leader Investigator Grant (1172987). F.Z.M....
Although not all Comprehensive (Level I) Valve Centers need to have formal fellowships in VHD, it is envisioned that most of these centers will provide such training.56 7. Performance Metrics The delivery of high-quality care requires the ability to collect data regarding the number of all ...
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) modulate the neurohormonal regulation of cardiac function by degrading cAMP and cGMP. In cardiomyocytes, multiple PDE isozymes with different enzymatic properties and subcellular localization regulate local pools of cyclic nucleotides and specific functions. This orga...
hold CONICYT PhD fellowships. We thank Valentina Parra (University of Chile, Santiago, Chile) for the cardiomyocyte images used in this Review. Author information Author notes Camila Lopez-Crisosto and Christian Pennanen: These authors contributed equally to this work. Authors and Affiliations ...