Designed for graduates who want to move into computing from another discipline, the MSc Computing and IT Management provides you with a broad technical knowledge and a sound business context for managing IT systems. Through this course you will learn the skills needed to develop business applications...
卡迪夫大学管理类专业有Computing & IT Management (MSc)(计算机和IT管理硕士)Human Resource Management (MSc)(人力资源管理硕士)International Management (MSc)(国际管理硕士) Business Administration (MBA)(工商管理硕士)Logistics and Operations Management (MSc)(物流和运营管理硕士) 1.Computing & IT Management (...
想问下MSC finance这个专业会不会很水 aktg18 aktg18 10-16 11 有没有2022计算机的 F_asta. HhHh 6-17 33 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 day君子慎独 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 LeonLi 8-30 24 Computing and IT Manegemant2021 futruelie01 有兄弟姐妹的群么?加下了解下情况顺便取暖。 贴吧用...
Cardiff Business School MSc Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship MSc Finance MSc Financial Economics MSc Accounting and Finance MSc International Economics, Banking and Finance School of Computer Science and Informatics MSc Computing and IT Management MSc Computi...
Rana holds a PhD in "Neural Computing and Parallel Architectures" from Imperial College (London Univ.), an MSc in Microelectronics (Univ. of Southampton) and a BEng in Information Systems Eng. from Imperial College (London ...
Cardiff University has one of the most up-to-date library and computing services in the UK. The University has a high number of Resource Centres, each one close to the School it serves. Students are able to access a large collection of computers, day and night, which allow free access to...
想问下MSC finance这个专业会不会很水 aktg18 aktg18 10-16 11 有没有2022计算机的 F_asta. HhHh 6-17 33 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 day君子慎独 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 LeonLi 8-30 24 Computing and IT Manegemant2021 futruelie01 有兄弟姐妹的群么?加下了解下情况顺便取暖。 贴吧用...
想问下MSC finance这个专业会不会很水 aktg18 aktg18 10-16 11 有没有2022计算机的 F_asta. HhHh 6-17 33 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 day君子慎独 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 LeonLi 8-30 24 Computing and IT Manegemant2021 futruelie01 有兄弟姐妹的群么?加下了解下情况顺便取暖。 贴吧用...
想问下MSC finance这个专业会不会很水 aktg18 aktg18 10-16 11 有没有2022计算机的 F_asta. HhHh 6-17 33 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 day君子慎独 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 LeonLi 8-30 24 Computing and IT Manegemant2021 futruelie01 有兄弟姐妹的群么?加下了解下情况顺便取暖。 贴吧用...
想问下MSC finance这个专业会不会很水 aktg18 aktg18 10-16 11 有没有2022计算机的 F_asta. HhHh 6-17 33 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 day君子慎独 卡迪夫2019研究生新生群求 LeonLi 8-30 24 Computing and IT Manegemant2021 futruelie01 有兄弟姐妹的群么?加下了解下情况顺便取暖。 贴吧用...