The fate of each of the replacement developments encapsulates all the failings of Cardiff’s inept leadership. Terminal House had an expensive face-lift in 1984, but so irredeemably slimy and seedy had it become it was given up as a hopeless case and knocked down in 2009. The Empire Pool...
If you work or live in Cardiff you can apply for a Castle Key which will give you free entry to Cardiff Castle for 3 years. Only assistance dogs are allowed into Cardiff Castle. We had a great time during our dragon hunting adventure at Cardiff Castle and were glad we visited it before...
Luckily I was keeping a close eye on him as always, and noticed where his hands were headed before he could pick it up. But it made me so mad. How, in this day and age, can people think it’s okay not to pick up after their dogs when they poo in public? Now I know the majo...
KAREN SKIPPER(1962-1996): Walking her dogs in Horses Field aka Birdies Field, a meadow on the Fairwater side of the River Ely, Karen from Mill Road in Ely was cruelly drowned in the river, her wrists tied together with the dog leads so she could not swim to safety. John Pope from ne...
Are service and emotional support dogs allowed at Park Inn by Radisson Cardiff City Centre? What types of pets are welcome at Park Inn by Radisson Cardiff City Centre? Is there an additional cost for pets at Park Inn by Radisson Cardiff City Centre? How many pets are allowed per room at ...
A meal that you rave about which costs you £5 is perhaps unlikely to find as much favour if it means dropping £50. If I told someone I had found a place that did great hotdogs their initial reaction may well be “Nice one, where?”. If it transpired that they charged £50 ...