The reliability of initial high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) under limit-of-detection in ruling-out short- and long-term acute coronary events in subjects for suspected non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) is not definitely settled. In a retrospective chart ...
Both troponins are the upper limit of the reference range and correspond to the 99th percentile of the population studied by our method, without correction for hemolysis3,10,17,24. According to these items, patients were stratified into three risk levels: low (≤ 3 points), moderate4,5,...
JB SamipAV StacyJC RobertRT LeroyRT AlanotherSoundarya N, Lawrence D, Samip J, Stacy A, Robert J, Leroy R, et al. Elevation of car- diac troponins in prolonged status epilepticus: a retrospective chart analysis. SOJ Neurol 2014;1(1):1-4....
The cardiac marker analyzers offer high throughput point-of-care solutions for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction and other cardiac-related diseases by measuring levels of STAT, cardiac troponin, CKM and CKB, Myoglobin and/or D-dimer in only 14 minutes or 36 tests per hour. A cardiac analyz...
Cardiac troponin T is essential in sarcomere assembly and cardiac contractility Nat. Genet., 31 (2002), pp. 106-110, 10.1038/ng875 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 41 M.S. Lyons, B. Bell, D. Stainier, K.G. Peters Isolation of the zebrafish homologues for the tie-1 and tie-2 endothelium...
MyocardialDamage CirrhoticCardiomyopathy Human PBC (n=56) - PBC Hyperdynamic LV SystolicFunction with Silent LVEF, Cholesterol, HDL, Troponin I, BNP↑ - [21] Control (n=56) Myocardial Edema Lipoprotein ↓ Impaired Myocardial Viability Mice DDC (n=5) - Biliary Fibrosis Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy ALT...
The identity of the grafts was confirmed by immunohistology staining with a human nucleus-specific antibody, cardiac troponin T (TNNT2), alpha-actinin-2 (ACTN2), and myosin light chain 2 V (MLC2v) at 4- and 12 weeks (Fig.2b–eand Supplementary Fig.4e). We observed Ku80-positive ...
We hypothesised that ED patients who present with non-cardiac complaints are at high risk of developing MACE and that both NT-proBNP and troponin T are predictors of subsequent MACE. In this prospective study, we investigated the incidence of MACE within 1 year after ED visit in older patients...
3C–D). To ensure that the cells expressed cardiomyocyte-specific proteins, we assessed the expression of Sarcomeric α-actinin, Connexin-43, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and Cardiac Troponin I (Supplementary Fig. S3). 3.3. Cardiac endogenous Klotho plays direct role in regulating cardiac ...
The AS group had higher troponin release than other groups but lower levels of inflammatory markers such as ESR and CPR. This result suggests a different kind of myocarditis, with less inflammation but greater myocardial damage. These findings were concordant with those of a previous postmortem ...