To induce stress, participants high and low in cardiac perception performed a computerized mental arithmetic test while listening to a white noise increasing in volume. Emotional experience and heart rate were assessed as indices of stress response. Our results show that participants high in cardiac ...
Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to cardiac:cardiac cycle,cardiac arrhythmia,cardiac output car·di·ac (kär′dē-ăk′) adj. 1.Of, near, or relating to the heart:cardiac arteries.See Usage Note atcoronary. 2.Of or relating to the cardia. ...
Unpaired Student’s t-test was used to analyze the differences between the two groups. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed with a Bonferroni post hoc test for multiple group comparisons. p values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results Ndufs1 expression is decreased...
Conclusion: National growth in cardiac stress test use can largely be explained by population and provider characteristics, but use of imaging cannot. Physician decision making about cardiac stress test use does not seem to contribute to racial/ethnic disparities in cardiovascular disease.Ladapo...
When relationships are bell-shaped, statistical dichotomous or logistic analyses might yield insignificant results regarding the role of the H/M ratio for predicting ArEs. However, when the incidence of events was plotted against the H/M range, the trend became bell-shaped. The present findings of...
Before the cardiac magnetic resonance examination, the investigators explained the purpose of the study, the enrollment procedure, the risks of the CMR examination, the contingency plan for unforeseen events, and the benefits of the study to all children with CKD, children in the normal control ...
Together, these results show that bradycardia states were related not only to general task involvement, but also approach-avoidance decisions and faster responding. Distinct neural networks underlying anticipation of reward and threat magnitudes versus approach-avoidance decisions ...
Active standing test The active standing test results and HRV indices are presented in Table 2. There were no significant differences between the groups regarding sBP, dBP, or HR in the supine position. However, the changes in sBP, dBP, and HR upon standing differed significantly between the ...
Comparison of between- and within-person results for ERI model predicting tense arousal (experienced stress) Full size image Are Observed Predictions of Heart Rate and Experienced Stress from Appraisal of Work Stressors Explained by Perceptions of Work Tasks over and Above the Objective Nature of The...
[46]. Higher relative VTs could be explained by submaximal exercise effort, which is supported by the notion that HRpeak in relation to predicted maximal HR was lower and peak BR higher in the FM group. Submaximal effort of FM patients has been reported earlier [42, 43, 46]. The concept...