(ECG) is a graphic representation of the electrical activity of the heart plotted against time. Adhesive electrodes are affixed to the skin surface allowing measurement of cardiac impulses from many angles. The ECG provides 3-dimensional information about the conduction system of the heart, the ...
The myocardial conducting cells (1 percent of the cells) are the autorhythmic cells and form the conduction system of the heart. Except for Purkinje cells, they are generally much smaller than the contractile cells and have few of the myofibrils or filaments needed for contraction.What...
Animation speeds of up to 2 1/4 frames per second can be achieved, depending on the workstation used. Use of the graphical display system provides a new tool for studying the electrical conduction properties of the heart. Through its use, a more complete understanding (and potentially a more...
M. et al. Connexin43 contributes to electrotonic conduction across scar tissue in the intact heart. Sci. Rep. 6, 26744, https://doi.org/10.1038/srep26744 (2016). Article ADS CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Nguyen, T. D. & Taffet, S. M. A model system to study Connexin ...
The fat group showed continuous, more rapid and wide QRS waveform which is presumed to be Bundle branch block (BBB), a type of conduction problem caused by this subclinical myocardial injury and may cease to conduct electrical impulses appropriately, and leads to a loss of ventricular synchrony ...
target for catheter ablation therapy.23–28 Our results suggest that very narrow regions of surviving tissue, where subthreshold DADs could render all tissue inexcitable, could be specific ablation targets that not only may eliminate the substrate for conduction block but also interrupt a reentrant ...