Cardeal da SilvaWeather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × Cardeal da Silva Bahia - Brazil 2025-01-07 In the next 30 days, there will be 14 days of rain, the Max Temp is 35°(08-Jan) and the Min Temp is 21°(24-Jan, 27-Jan, 30-Jan, 01-Feb, 04-Feb, 05-Feb)....
Shopping da Bahia4.55公里 Shopping Bela Vista4.69公里 Salvador Shopping5.63公里 Shopping Capemi Salvador4.44公里 Empresarial 104588 米 Centro Comercial Santa Madalena824 米 Americanas1.83公里 Shopping Rio Vermelho1.69公里 Shopping Vasco da Gama1.67公里 ...