See Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie's production, company, and contact information. Explore Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment
Of the 143985 characters on Anime Characters Database, 21 are from the movie Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie.
See Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie's production, company, and contact information. Explore Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment
For the Clear Card Arc episodes, see Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card (anime). For a list and information on the home release, see Cardcaptor Sakura Home Release. Cardcaptor Sakura was adapted into an anime television series by the animation studio Madhouse
库洛魔法使 剧场版 被封印的卡片,Card Captor Sakura: The Movie - The Sealed Card 状态:已完结 主演:丹下樱/熊井统子/久川绫/小野坂昌也/绪方惠美/岩男润子/野上尤加奈/佐佐木望/关智一 导演:浅香守生 年份:2000 地区:日本 类型:喜剧/爱情/动画/奇幻/冒险 ...
The 70-episode Cardcaptor Sakura Japanese anime television series is based on the manga series written and illustrated by the manga artist group Clamp.[1] Cardcaptor Sakura is directnd animated and produced by Madhouse.[2] The series focuses on Sakura Ki
Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie(1999) Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card(2000) Granblue Fantasy(2014) Food Fantasy(2017) Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc(2018) Support ACDB by visitingour affiliates Similar Characters Voting 4 VS Matches ...
شاهد Cardcaptor Sakura the Movie 2: The Sealed Card، على كرانشي رول.
魔卡少女樱 剧场版魔卡少女樱 剧场版 Cardcaptor.Sakura.The.Movie.1999.1080p.BluRay.x264-W4F 4.4GB.torrentBT磁力链下载,魔卡少女樱 剧场版剧情介绍:由丹下樱,熊井统子,岩男润子,久川绫,绪方惠美,野上尤加奈,关智一,林原惠美,山口由里子,三石琴乃主演的魔卡少女樱 剧场
魔卡少女樱 剧场版魔卡少女樱 剧场版 Cardcaptor.Sakura.The.Movie.1999.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 2.68GB.torrentBT磁力链下载,魔卡少女樱 剧场版剧情介绍:由丹下樱,熊井统子,岩男润子,久川绫,绪方惠美,野上尤加奈,关智一,林原惠美,山口由里子,三石琴乃主演的魔卡少女樱 剧场