See also: List of Cardcaptor Sakura episodes A 70-episode anime TV series adaptation produced by the animation studio Madhouse aired in Japan on the NHK television network spread over three seasons.[24][25] The first season, consisting of 35 episodes, aired between April 7 and December 29, ...
The 70-episode Cardcaptor Sakura Japanese anime television series is based on the manga series written and illustrated by the manga artist group Clamp.[1] Cardcaptor Sakura is directnd animated and produced by Madhouse.[2] The series focuses on Sakura Kinomoto, a fourth grade elementary school ...
Card Captor Sakura took what had become an incredibly stale and repetitive genre and turned it on its ear, providing something fun, clever, beautifully animated, touching and exciting all at once. The three episodes included on this disc round out the television series nicely. They play out in...