shooting target is a trapezoid-shaped silhouette, approximately 18 inches wide by 24 inches high, and die-cut from 1/8" corrugated cardboard. The perforated scoring zones define the USPSA scoring zones as Alpha, Charlie, and Delta. The targets are kraft brown on the front, and white on ...
Shooting TargetNewest design 9mm 3/8'' AR500 dueling tree steel target gong shooting targets stand set for outdoor rangeOutdoor Double Field Metallic Spinner Plinking Metal Auto Reset Shooting Targetblack paperbond paperhemp papersugar paperECO-FRIENDLY 13*16 inch Paper Target Silhouette Shooting ...
The Target Shop LLC (TTS) is one of the oldest manufacturers of qualification and shooting range targets in North America. We also offer a full line of Portable Target Systems to develop and enhance reactive skills, particularly Active Shooter Training. TTS provides a wide range of standard trai...
12''x16'' Reactive Target (Cardboard) for Shooting Practice Training * Up to ten different patterns are available as options. * Available in 8''x8'' and 12''x12'' sizes Customization is more than welcome.Bad Guy Overlapping Silhouette Silhouette Halo Si...