2024年2月29日,美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(WUSTL)单梁教授课题组在Cell上发表了文章The CARD8 inflammasome dictates HIV/SIV pathogenesis and disease progression,揭示了CARD8炎症小体在HIV感染中的关键作用。前期,单梁教授课题组的汪乾坤博士首先报道了CARD8炎症小体识别HIV蛋白酶(Protease)的机制(详见BioArt报道:...
2024年2月29日,美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(WUSTL)单梁教授课题组在Cell上发表了文章The CARD8 inflammasome dictates HIV/SIV pathogenesis and disease progression,揭示了CARD8炎症小体在HIV感染中的关键作用。 前期,单梁教授课题组的汪乾坤...
2024年2月29日,美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(WUSTL)单梁教授课题组在Cell上发表了文章The CARD8 inflammasome dictates HIV/SIV pathogenesis and disease progression,揭示了CARD8炎症小体在HIV感染中的关键作用。人类的免疫应答加速且加深了HIV的致病性,而SIV的天然宿主经过长期进化,筛选得到了对SIV产生免疫耐受的基因突变。这...
大家好,今天分享一篇发表在Nature Chemical Biology上的文章Chemical inhibition of DPP9 sensitizes the CARD8 inflammasome in HIV-1-infected cells。通讯作者是来自美国华盛顿大学医学院的Liang Shan教授。 HIV-1感染巨噬细胞后,由于...
CARD8 INFLAMMASOME MODULATES HIV-1 INFECTION IN CD4 T CELLSQiankun WangLiang ShanTopics in Antiviral Medicine
Inflammasome formation and signaling is thought to mainly occur in myeloid cells, and in particular monocytes and macrophages. Here we show that small molecule inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidases 8 and 9 (DPP8/9), which activate the related CARD8 and NLRP1 inflammasomes, also activate pyroptosis ...
Furthermore, CARD8 is degraded by the core 20S proteasome and controls the activation of the CARD8 inflammasome [12]. The knowl- edge on the regulatory function of CARD8 in the etiology of CVDs is also limited. In two of our previous studies, we showed upregulation of CARD8 mRNA and ...
CARD8 may be a component of the inflammasome, a protein complex that plays a role in the activation of proinflammatory caspases. It is thought that this protein acts as an adaptor molecule that negatively regulates NFKB activation, CASP1-dependent IL1B secretion, and apoptosis. Polymorphisms in...
We found that only ∼15 amino acids N-terminal to the ZU5 domain were required for VbP-dependent CARD8 inflammasome activation (Figures 1E and 1F). Consistent with previous data (Johnson et al., 2018), transfection of the C-terminal UPA-CARD region induced VbP-independent GSDMD cleavage ...
This difference is found to be due to the differential activation of the CARD8 inflammasome in humans, which upon sensing the virus causes rapid pyroptosis of quiescent T cells.关键词: KeywordsHIVSIVCD4+T cellspyroptosiscaspase 1inflammasomeCARD8viral proteasenon-human primatesviral entry DOI: ...